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BIOL 107: Principles of Biology

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Linking to an article in another database

Although many of the library databases contain full-text resources this link helps you to locate the full-text (if it is available) in another database.

"Check availability for full text" 

Many of the articles you will find will have the full-text article directly attached to the database citation. If a citation does not have the full-text, use the Check Availability link to find out if the article is available in print or electronic formats in Stevenson Library. 

When you need to find an article in a specific journal use this link search in the "Journals A-Z" search box on the library homepage. 

Journals A-Z is a guide to all of the journals and magazines that are available in Commonwealth U Libraries. They cain be inprint, electronic and microform formats.  Best used when you have the full citation of a specific article and you need to find the journal in which it appears.

After you click the link, which may also say Check Availability,  you will see the following screen:

Clink on the hyperlink after "Full text available at:"  

Be sure to have your citation open in a different tab. 


Interlibrary Loan

Boolean Operators

AND  - Limits   Combines the required terms  "Wrens  AND Niches" Use this when you must have the same ideas together in the same source

OR - Expands  Works best with synonyms, such as "schooling OR flockingAND minnows  Use this "When you want it all"

NOT - Limits   Excludes a term; this operator works exactly as you expect it to. "Crows NOT Ravens"

- Expands Truncate a term to the root of a word: bird* = birds, birding, bird-brained, birder...Use this carefully