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FYS 100: First Year Seminar

Reach Out to Your Professor

The first step we recommend is to read through your assignment and syllabus to make sure that you understand what you need to do. 

If you're not quite sure, reach out to your professor, either through their office hours or an email.

Reach Out to Your Librarians

If you're not sure where to start with your researchreach out to one of our librarians.  We're happy to help point you in the right direction and get you started with your research. 

Reach Out to a Tutor

If you need subject-related help, reach out to a subject tutor. 

Need writing help? Reach out to a writing tutor or WALES tutor. 

Want help getting started with your research? Talk to a peer research consultant. 


You can book appointments with tutors through your CU Connect account!