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Interdisciplinary Studies

Final Portfolio Project

Your final portfolio project will consist of just two requirements:  

First, a research paper that you would have written for one of your courses in which you combine elements from your two academic areas.  Although you would have already submitted this paper for a particular course, I am asking you to resubmit it to me as well.  My goal is to determine, from the concepts and terms you use in the paper, whether you convey a familiarity with both academic areas.  It must be at least three full pages.  Anything less than three full pages, double-spaced typed, will not be accepted.  

Second, you need to submit a personal vision statement. The structure of this vision statement is as follows:

Your personal vision statement needs to be at least three double-spaced typed pages.  Anything less than this will not be accepted.  It will be your statement on how your two academic areas relate to each other. Please address the following in your personal vision statement:

  1. Provide an overview of the relationship of your 18 credit academic area to your 12 credit academic area.
  2. Using specific examples of courses in each of these academic areas, show ways in which they dovetail or complement one another in conceptual or practical ways.
  3. Point out any specific ways that your one academic area differs in conceptual or practical ways from your other academic area.
  4. Discuss specific ways in which your general education courses have enhanced your knowledge base of these two academic areas.
  5. Explain how you plan on marketing yourself by having these two academic areas.

In addition to fulfilling this requirement, this personal vision statement will help you create the narrative you can use when talking to potential employers or graduate schools about why you chose Interdisciplinary Studies as your major. Answering these five questions can better enable you to articulate the advantages of studying in more than one academic area.