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Mansfield History: Mansfield @ 150 Years

Mansfield History

Welcome to Mansfield University: Our History. This site was launched in 2007 as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Mansfield University and Mansfield Borough.

As far as we can find, we are the only borough and university to share such an anniversary. The two entities have always been interconnected in many different ways as you'll see on the site.

Note: This site was created by Steve Orner in 2007 and has not been regularly updated. We will update as time allows.

History Timeline

It's difficult to separate the birth of Mansfield Classical Seminary and the chartering of the town of Mansfield. The University was founded by citizens of the village of Mansfield and the surrounding townships. Many of the signatures of the Seminaries Charter are the same as those on the town charter.