Provides full text for over 1,800 medical journals, and abstracts from over 5,400 current biomedical journals indexed by the National Library of Medicine.
ClinicalKey is a search engine that supports clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge. It includes full-text resources from books, selected journals, drug monographs, patient education, patient care guidelines, and multimedia productions.
Lock Haven students should use this link to access Clinical Key to register for an account. You cannot search the database without first creating your account.
Important Note: In most cases you'll only use a chapter or two for your research so don't be scared off by the length of a book.
Google and Google Scholar are different Internet search engines designed for different purposes. Google searches the entire Internet, regardless of the information type or source. Google Scholar, as the name suggests, provides a simple way to limit your Internet search to the scholarly literature only. It includes the Advance Scholar Search menu, which provides additional search options beyond keywords. Some full-text documents are available through Google Scholar. However, we recommend that you begin any search for clinical information via MEDLINE or PubMed, so that you have access to the comprehensive indexing structure and searching capabilities of the National Library of Medicine's premier database.
For a more in-depth description of Google Scholar, please click here.
Search Everything is the library's equivalent to Google. In addition to searching everything in the Library's Catalog (books, ebooks, media, etc.) it also searches most of our databases containing journal articles and other electronic resources.