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Where Should I Publish My Article?

A guide to help faculty find suitable places to publish their articles and boost their scholarly impact

Four steps to increasing the impact of your scholarship

Regardless of whether you choose Open Access or Traditional Publishing, here are 4 things you can do to increase the visibility and impact of your research.

1. Get a unique author identifier ORCID to distinguish yourself and your work from that of all other researchers.

2. Share the output of your research.

Publications, preprints, conference papers and posters, presentations, research data, video, code are all evidence of your research activity.  By making them all publicly accessible you increase your visibility, preserve your outputs and make them available for future use.  Moreover, many research funders in the US and overseas require that both publications and underlying data are made available in open access. 

Great places to make your research outputs available openly are institutional and subject repositories.  OpenDOAR is a comprehensive database of open access repositories. 

3. Create and keep up to date an online profile (or a web CV).

This could be simply uploading your CV to your personal and institutional web page, or using a commercial service that allows you to highlight your professional accomplishments and areas of expertise.  Such services include:

4. Participate in academic social networking communities

Another way to disseminate your research and gain reputation is through active engagement in research networking communities. These services will allow you to create profiles, showcase your research outputs, identify communities of interest and participate in discussions by posting and answering questions in your network.  All of them will also let you know about impact of your activates in these networks, for instance downloads of your publications, views of your profile and levels of your activity as compared to others in the network.


Copied, with changes and permission, from the "How to Increase the Visibility of Your Research" guide, created by the Bibliometrics group at the University of Pittsburgh.