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WRIT 101 and 103: Foundations in Composition Writing

MLA Citation

APA Citation

Annotated Bibliographies

When it comes to annotated bibliographies, you want to make sure that you have the correct citation of a source and then briefly summarize it and provide an evaluation of how it might be useful (or not useful) for your research. Check out this video for more information: 

Using Sources in Your Paper - the ICE Method

Whether you're quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing a source, you want to make sure that you're not just dumping it into your paper with no introduction and no explanation of how it ties in to your research.

When you're writing a research paper, your voice is the most important - don't be drowned out by a bunch of quotes. 

Use the ICE Method to help: 

ntroduce the source using a "signal phrase" - this goes before the quote (or summary or paraphrase) and introduces who the author or organization is and where the source came from. 

ite the source - this is where you put your quote, summary, or paraphrase. Make sure you add the correct in-text citation.

xplain how this ties in to your paper/research in at least another sentence or two. 


Tutoring Resources

Need help with citations or your writing? Reach out to a writing or WALES tutor. 

Need help with citations or your research? Reach out to a peer research consultant.


You can schedule appointments with tutors through your Starfish account.