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University Archives and Special Collections at Lock Haven



The Lock Haven University Archive was created on September 1978 by University President Richard T. Hamblin to establish a “uniform system for acquiring college records.” The Archive is currently housed at Stevenson Library and is managed by library staff on a part-time basis.

Statement of Purpose

The Archive seeks to document history of the Lock Haven University community, which includes the administration, faculty, students, staff, and alumni. The Archive collection serves the research purposes of scholars, alumni, and interested individuals. It does not serve the required records management functions of the University.


Institutional Records: all documentary materials, regardless of physical format, that are created or received by staff members in the course of doing their jobs, including handwritten, typewritten, or computer-generated documents on paper; photographs; clippings from newspapers and magazines; audio-visual materials; architectural records; University publications; etc.

Archival Records: those materials that are no longer regularly used by the office that created or received them, but which have lasting administrative or historical value making them worthy of long-term preservation.

Inactive Records: those that receive little use in ordinary circumstances and have no long-term value. They may be retained for a set length of time and then discarded (e.g. accounting records); they may be retained until the creator of the files is sure they are no longer needed (e.g., special events working files).

Non-record Materials: published materials (e.g. books, pamphlets, brochures) generated by the university community; collected manuscripts, photographs, and ephemera.

Personal Papers: some individuals keep in their offices materials relating to their personal activities. These should be kept separate from records that are created in the course of their work for the university. If the papers relate to professional activities, staff members are encouraged to offer them to the Archive, as personal research and writing by staff members can increase understanding of archival collections and activities.

Collected Papers: papers of individuals (e.g. Mary Ward) and organizations (e.g. Student Cooperative Council) that relate to collections in the Archive may be acquired to support research, based on recommendations by the University Archive staff.

Records Policies

Purpose: The Archive preserves its institutional records and related papers for the administrative value and historical interest.

Ownership: All Archive records are institutional property and may not be destroyed or removed from the premises except in accordance with established procedures.

Creation and Maintenance: Materials in archival collections are kept in their original order whenever possible and Archive staff should be conscientious about preserving the order and integrity of current files. The Archive staff should be consulted whenever records are no longer needed in the office of origin, before files are dismantled or transferred elsewhere.

Scope of the Archive Collection

The Archive holds select records created by Lock Haven University faculty, staff, and students in the course of carrying out their university responsibilities. These may include administrative, academic, or personal records.

The criteria for permanent retention include evidence of the university’s academic, political and cultural development.

The Archive collects Clinton County, Pennsylvania historical materials only if they relate to the history of Lock Haven University.

Acquisition and Transfer of Records

Archive staff review records to determine if they have sufficient value to warrant permanent preservation in the University Archive. Archive staff should be consulted whenever records are no longer needed by a department before files are dismantled or transferred elsewhere.

An accession record will be kept of records transferred to the Archive and of other acquisitions.


Archival standards will be followed in the care and management of the collections.


Access to the Archive will be provided to scholars, alumni, and all interested individuals. The Archive is a closed environment and materials may not be accessed without an appointment. The Archive staff reserve the right to impose use restrictions on fragile and restricted records.

In addition to providing reference service for archival materials, the Archive staff serves as a resource for orientation and training in the identification and use of archival resources.