Ideas for topics come from a myriad of sources - some will be generated by interest in a particular area of previous work, others by discussing issues with peers and academics and some by reading the literature. Initial ideas can also be in various stages of development - some will be vague, others clear and well defined and many will be in the middle of the two extremes.
When thinking about a suitable topic, it is important to consider the implications of your choice:
In the early stages it is probably wise to give all topics under consideration a title and write them down. Include a brief description of the content of each idea and a plan of how each topic could be developed. Writing sometimes helps define ideas and helps you to plot a course of action. Although the topic may change or aspects of it may change, it is still useful to record thoughts. It is also interesting to look back once the research has been completed and see how the topic evolved!
While thinking about research topics: