Donated to the Library
Rock Paper Heroes: Enter the Danger Room is a fast and frantic reimagining of the classic game of throwing hand gestures. Now, these gestures represent the powerful mutant abilities of eight iconic heroes who are training to become protectors of mutantkind!
Whether you want to use a mastery of the weather like Storm, cosmic-fire like Phoenix, or you're simply the best at what you do like Wolverine, get ready for some fun in the Danger Room that can't be missed! The hero that makes the best use of their powers and has uncanny reactions to the situation they're in will win.
In this classic word game, players use their seven drawn letter-tiles to form words on the gameboard. Each word laid out earns points based on the commonality of the letters used, with certain board spaces giving bonuses. But a word can only be played if it uses at least one already-played tile or adds to an already-played word. This leads to slightly tactical play, as potential words are rejected because they would give an opponent too much access to the better bonus spaces.
Also available in the following editions: