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The party game Apples to Apples consists of two decks of cards: Things and Descriptions. Each round, the active player draws a Description card (which features an adjective like "Hairy" or "Smarmy") from the deck, then the other players each secretly choose the Thing card in hand that best matches that description and plays it face-down on the table. The active player then reveals these cards and chooses the Thing card that, in his opinion, best matches the Description card, which he awards to whoever played that Thing card. This player becomes the new active player for the next round.
Once a player has won a pre-determined number of Description cards, that player wins.
Sign Language Crossword Cubes Game. Played by one or more people. Player makes words from sign language symbols that are printed on cubes. Additional words are added in a crossword/scrabble like arrangement.
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Donated to the Library
Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.
UNO is a commercial version of Crazy Eights, a public domain card game played with a standard deck of playing cards.
Donated to the Library
UNO Show 'Em No Mercy is a brutal, ruthless version of the classic UNO card game. In addition to standard action cards like Skip, Reverse, and Draw 2, No Mercy comes with Wild Draw 6, Wild Draw 10, Skip Everyone, Discard All, and the new Wild Color Roulette - a card that forces the next player to choose a color and then draw until they get a card of that color.
In addition to new action cards, many popular house rules have been included in the actual rules. Stacking is legal. 7s swap and 0s pass hands. And when you can't play a card, you must draw until you can play.
But the biggest change in UNO Show 'Em No Mercy is the Mercy Rule. If you ever have 25 or more cards in your hand, you get kicked out of the game.