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EGGS 221: Economic Geography

The World Bank Database

In particular, the Data and Research sections of this site offer a tremendous amount of demographic, economic, and political information.

One may find crude birth rates and crude death rates in the World Development Indicators.

Europa World Year Book

This source offers outstanding narrative information and numerical data on countries.  This is a particularly useful source for obtaining ranked lists of trading partners, imported products, exported products, large cities and towns, and more.

The most current year of this source is on Reserve at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of Andruss Library.  It is arranged alphabetically by the formal name of the country.  Older volumes may be found in the Reference Collection (2nd floor) at the following call number.

JN 1 .E85

Statesman's Yearbook

A good source of information on labor force distribution is the Statesman's Yearbook.   It may be found in the Reference Collection (2nd floor) at the following call number.

JA 51 .S7

CIA World Factbook

This site may be used to find economic, geographic, military, and transportation-related data.

Business Source Complete - Country Studies

Business Source Complete may be used to find outstanding country reports with economic forecasts and reviews, business opportunity summaries, and risk assessments.  To access these reports, please follow these steps.

  1. On the Business Source Premier search screen, scroll down to the Publication Type menu.
  2. Select Country Report
  3. Enter a country name and search by subject
  4. Click on the link to the report that suits your needs.

Library of Congress Country Studies

The Federal Research Division of the LOC has furnished this outstanding site for country data for demographics, education, economics, and more.  One may also obtain narrative information on historical events, population, ethnic groups, climate, and more.

US State Department


General information on "Countries and Areas" vis a vis US relations.


Statista may be used to find:

  • Crude Birth Rates
  • Crude Death Rates
  • GDP 

You may however find limitations in the countries and years for which data are provided.

Know too that searches in Statista are case sensitive.